Commonly, stavkirke or stave church have passed through 3 different styles. At the beginning, they could be built with the palisade's technique or the poles' one, and finally the technique called stavverk, which in Norse means "works with wooden poles". The first two techniques could rot easily because they have the wooden poles nailed on the ground. Let's analyze one by one each technique:
Técnica de empalizada (A)
Es la más antigua, conocida desde época vikinga. Se trata de una construcción de muros con postes o tablones de madera clavados en el suelo. Estos muros delimitaban el espacio deseado y sostenían el techo. Para evitar pudrirse, los troncos eran barnizados con brea y colocados sobre una zanja llena de grava. Fueron utilizados hasta el siglo XII, y actualmente se han encontrado restos de esta técnica
Palisade's technique (A)
It's the oldest one, known from the Viking Age. It's a construction of walls with wooden poles and planks nailed on the ground. These walls delimited the space and supported the ceiling. To avoid rotting, poles and planks were glazed with pitch and placed over a ditch full of gravel. This technique were used until the XII century, and nowadays some remains of this constructions have benn found.
Técnica de postes (B)
Esta técnica era igual que la anterior, pero con la diferencia de que todos los postes eran colocados sobre vigas soleras, reduciendo el riesgo de putrefacción. Los únicos postes que seguían estando clavados al suelo eran los esquineros, de ahí que arqueológicamente sean fácilmente reconocibles por sus hoyos.
Poles' technique (B)
This technique was the same as the previous one, but with one difference: all poles were placed over sill beams to avoid rotting. Only the corner poles were still nailed at the ground, thus archaelogically they are easily recognizable due to its holes.
Stavverk (C)
El último problema que debían resolver en su construcción era el de los postes esquineros, que al estar enterrados se pudrían más fácilmente. Para ello, estos postes, a los que llamaron stav, fueron colocados sobre grandes rocas, aumentando su durabilidad. Es la única de las tres técnicas que produjo construcciones que llegaran a nuestros días. Posteriormente, los postes se colocaron sobre un gran armazón de madera, que a su vez estaba sobre un cimiento de rocas.
Stavverk (C)
The last problem that they had to solve in its construction were the corner poles, which rotted easily due to continue nailed directly to the ground. To solve this, the poles, called stav, were placed over large rocks, increasing its durability. Thus, is the only technique of the three which made constructions that continue nowadays. Later, poles were placed over a big wooden frame, settled over a rocks growth.
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